What should you do before investing your money?


More and more people are realizing the importance of investing their money, and the sooner they learn how to invest their money the sooner they can appreciate the benefits that money management brings. So, what should you do in the early stages of investing money? Let's start now, learn to use every penny and put it to good use. With the right personal financial planning can enable us to have a high-quality, free and easy life! So, how do you learn to manage your money from scratch? This article has compiled a list of points you should pay attention to before investing your money, and I hope it will help you!


The prerequisite for investing money is to have a little asset base. So first earning money work is the prerequisite for all wealth, work hard and do a good job of creating wealth accumulation. When salary is the only source of income, work hard to do career planning. Good career planning can make your salary double. Consider improving your financial management skills through some course training, such as accounting, financial literacy, programming and other training to gain more skills at work that will be useful to you in the future. Learn the learning to seek knowledge, exercise the skills that are lacking, see the unfamiliar world, and meet great people.


Next, analyze your financial situation and find out where you can save money and where you need to spend money. Although bookkeeping is a small thing, please do not ignore its importance of bookkeeping. Starting from bookkeeping, you can initially understand your income and expenditure, so that you can avoid some neglected spending, remind yourself in the future to carry out reasonable consumption, analysis of your consumption, and Dan through the analysis, clear what is unnecessary spending, which expenses can be reduced so that in the next cycle to pay attention to, and ultimately achieve the effect of saving money. Bookkeeping is not about cutting back on spending, but about keeping the locks open to an acceptable level. You need to learn to force savings, that is, 10% of your monthly income in the bank, do not look down on this small deposit, the accumulation of small amounts will allow you to have the first bucket of gold. This ten per cent of the number of deposits can choose to demand or time deposits, the requirements are fast, and constantly filled, until the accumulated amount of your daily expenses for six months, this practice can ensure that even if you face some unexpected events and lead to a long period without income, you can also set aside this part of the money for emergencies, with the son to deal with unexpected situations, to maintain a normal life.


Expect how much public investment risk you can handle. A reasonable proportion of total assets for high-risk investments is 80 minus the score for age, with a percentage sign (%) added. For example, stocks can account for 50% of total assets at age 30, while 30% is appropriate at age 50. However, exactly making high-risk investments should also be determined by the actual situation of the individual and the family, and appropriate adjustments can be made.
